Lenten Season 2020

We think of Lent as a time of personal fasting, prayer and repentance.  Lent is a time for the whole Church to engage in these activities.  Let’s journey together and support one another.  Then, the 40 days of Lent will lead us to our better selves, to the 50 days of Easter, so that we might see the purpose of Christ’s suffering, death and resurrection.

We should ask ourselves “What do I need to change about myself?”  or “What grace do I need to strengthen my spirit?”  Rather than simply “giving something up,” let’s look for something which will truly make us more Christlike.  What we prepare for through our Lenten journey we can then celebrate in the season of Easter. Make Lent a time of more intense praying, fasting and giving. 

  • Join us for Mass on Mondays and Fridays at 11am, in addition to your usual weekend Mass attendance.  And, on Fridays we will pray the Stations of the Cross following mass.
  • On the Wednesday evenings of March 4, 18, 25 and April 1st, Fr. Kropac will present a special Lenten Reflection Series on the Stations of the Cross at St. Patrick on Bridge. There will be Mass at 5:30 followed by a simple supper at 6 and then the program from 6:30-7:30.  It will be a time to share our own experiences both of the Cross and of God’s saving grace.

Plan to participate in the Great Easter Three Days (Triduum) this year.  Holy Thursday, Mass of the Lord’s Supper, Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion and Easter Mass of the Resurrection of the Lord together make up our Easter celebration, the foundation of our faith. 

May God Bless us during these Holy Days!